Stiletto Rear Fenders
The oversized rear fender fitted as standard by the factory covers far too much of the M1800. Reminds me of a tuned up Golf with skinny tires... But enough of that.
To emphasize the looks of the 240, 260 or 280 wide tire conversion we’ve developed a special rear end. We call it the Stiletto M18.
The Stiletto rear fender, surely one of the nicest on the market. It’s unique curved lines make it stand out from the rest.
Delivered: The kit comes with s/steel screws & TüV Approval
(Approved for pillion use).
Side Cover: You can find suitable side covers here:
Side Cover Kit>
Seat Info: The original seat can no longer be used.
Seat Base and covers can be found under the category
Lowering: Lowering is recommended. See
Suspension Lowering>
Front fender: A matching front fender is also available. See
Front fender>