Essential to restore the correct indicator flashing rate:
When you replace the original indicators with smaller ones an "Equalizer“ has to be installed to restore the correct flash interval.
"Equalizer“… what's that then?
It's a type of resistor which replaces the power drawn by the original higher power light bulbs. It automatically compensates for the missing amperage to ensure that the indicator system operates correctly.
Fitting is a breeze, just three simple wires & illustrated instructions.
Two models are available: Equalizer I & II
The Equalizer II has the same function as the equalizer I, but also for models with hazard warning flasher
Info: HD® has introduced a CAN-Bus (called HD-LAN) to control the electrical system for Softail models 2011 on & Dyna models 2012 on. An Equalizer is not required for these bikes.
When you replace the original indicators with smaller ones an "Equalizer“ has to be installed to restore the correct flash interval.
"Equalizer“… what's that then?
It's a type of resistor which replaces the power drawn by the original higher power light bulbs. It automatically compensates for the missing amperage to ensure that the indicator system operates correctly.
Fitting is a breeze, just three simple wires & illustrated instructions.
Two models are available: Equalizer I & II
The Equalizer II has the same function as the equalizer I, but also for models with hazard warning flasher
Info: HD® has introduced a CAN-Bus (called HD-LAN) to control the electrical system for Softail models 2011 on & Dyna models 2012 on. An Equalizer is not required for these bikes.